Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Here are this year's Easter eggs.......

We've been so busy making preparations for our move, managing David's ever changing school schedule, and dealing with my recovery that Easter just snuck up on us this year!

We didn't even have time to dye eggs which broke my heart because I love that tradition.

I was doing good to get a few Easter basket stuffers, but we cheated on the home cooked meal and opted to eat out. Mom of the year, I know.

Such is life though, huh? Sometimes the best laid plans just don't come through and you just have to take a deep breath and let the small things go.

The important thing is that we worshiped together this morning and rejoiced in the resurrection of our Savior!
Who cares if I still have three dozen white eggs in my fridge and a box of unopened egg dye on my counter when the King of Kings conquered death on this day?

It was such a beautiful day here in Rhode Island....much different than last Easter which was our first Sunday here in our new home. Last Easter it was wet and cold with snow flurries, but today it was a bright, sunny 47 degrees. We decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and spend some time outside as a family.

So, we went putt-putting!

It has been a while since we've all been out together as a family do to something fun. It seems like the older my kids get, the more their social lives take them away from home. The weekends are usually crazy around here with everyone wanting to spend some time with their friends.
Some days I feel like a taxi driver all day long!
It was so nice to just have the six of us together for a few hours. We laughed so hard and had a really great afternoon.

And what would a post of family photos be without Michael's token goofy pose! I think this is his "Adonis" pose.

After 18 holes and a few awesome holes in one by some of us, the winner is...........

ME! Yup! I won by 11 stokes!

Speaking of weekend activities, Madison was involved in an interesting one this past weekend. She participated in World Vision's 30 hour famine with one of her friend's youth group.
The famine was to raise awareness of the very real problem of hunger around the world.
The kids stayed at the church for the duration of the famine and did various activities related to hunger.
They made these little crosses to represent the children who die from hunger each year.

I'm so proud of her for taking part in this. She really learned alot about thankfulness and compassion.

I have recently taken some great shots of my older kids that I wanted to share here, since most of my posts are so Brendell heavy.
So here they are....
This is what 11, 14 and 16 look like in our house right now.

From our family to yours, we hope that you had a wonderful Easter filled with reminders of New Life!


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Happy Easter to your beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Awww mini golf for easter how fun!!!. Gosh everyone is growing up so much even little Bren. You get such amazing shots, I just love em, something to treasure now and later so cool.

Happy Easter Guys

TheCatLord said...

wow bec! i can't believe how much your kids have grown! and zach is driving age! where did the time go?

Jodi said...

Hello! Just found your blog through a comment you left for Linda (2nd cup of coffee). What a beautiful family you have! What a talented photographer you are. Your pictures are absolutely breathtaking! Just wanted to post to say hello. I love that you are an Idol fan & that is why I originally stopped by. Your blog is great & I now look forward to keeping up with it. If you check out my blog I have Idol recaps as well. Have a great evening!