This is one of a growing number of big cities that I have white knuckled my way through.
Despite my worry over this one, driving through Chicago was nothing like driving through New York. So while I would like to say it was a piece of cake, I'm not going to go that far.
Let's just say it was a moon pie.....yup! Chicago was a moon pie.
I had alot of time to just relax and look around and was struck by the many ways God was romancing me.
From the patchwork hills and sparkling little streams to the neatly arranged little farmhouses with fields of grazing cows and horses, I was being given a visual gift by a God who knows what delights me. Little white churches with tall steeples, big red barns behind white picket fences, three small calves scampering behind lazy momma cows put smiles on my face.
Minnesota greated us with a beautiful scenic drive and then took us through many rural miles of fields ready for planting.
God was sending me little post cards to enjoy along the way.
It took alot of will power for me to not pull over and photograph each scene. For the first hour or two I fretted over losing all of these picture perfect opportunities, but then I realized that He was teaching me that this gift was mine to enjoy just for that very moment and was not meant for me to control with my lens. I'm not sure that you can understand the impact of that unless you are a photographer. God wanted me to just rest in his gift. That's it. No work on my part.
God was whistpering, "I love you" and "Look how special you are to me" with what he was putting before my eyes. That is what he wanted me to get from it...not a perfect print to frame on my wall.
He knows exactly what I like to see and I felt like each blessing of nature was a gift from Him during the long trip through what could also be described as extreemly uneventful scenery.
He also knows exactly what you like to see and what delights your eyes. I want to encourage you to look for his postcards to you today. In what ways is He telling you how much He loves you?
Your bouquet of words ,are one of my many delights.
God Speed XXOO
God has taught me similar lessons. "Just take it in, Kelly. Use your senses to record these gifts on your heart instead of using your camera to record them in kilobytes."
And selfishly, I'm curious about your Minnesota route. I bet you went within a mile of our old house.
WOW! This is the second or third time I have read your blog and been blown away by the thoughts expressed. (I have not been reading for very long!) Your post yesterday about Penelope and God was amazing! and today's thoughts about enjoying it for the moment! Wow! I deal with that and taking pictures of my girls. I want to the capture the moment, but in doing that I miss being a part of the moment (sometimes). It has been freeing to "forget" the camera and just be in the moment.
I pray for continued safe travels! Thank you for allowing God to use you to bless other people!
I can't thank you enough for sharing your trip this way! Add the music and here I am all teary-eyed again! :-)
"He was teaching me that this gift was mine to enjoy just for that very moment and was not meant for me to control with my lens."
Love this!
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