Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This is what it's all about!

This was the first Mother's Day in 18 years
that I was able to spend in person with my mom!
We also had the added blessing
of sharing it with alot of our
Maryland family at a local restaurant.

This is my Aunt Brenda....part of the inspiration
for Brendell's name.
This is their first meeting that Bren will remember.
She was just a baby that last time
they were together.
Brendell was very excited to meet this lady
that she had heard about for so long.
Both of my mom's sisters, my grandmother,
several of my cousins and
my aunt Maryanne were all in attendance.
I was so happy for my kids to experience
a little taste of what it's like to live close to family.
For many military families,
being away from family presents a myriad
of challenges that the average family
does not experience.
I believe that children are more at risk
for all kinds of things when
there is not a close circle of support
around them that they can turn to.
It is nearly impossible to develop a
circle of the kind of support I'm speaking of
when a family moves from duty station to duty station
every two or three years.
The navy does a good job with programs
designed to offer support
and one hopes to find personal support
at local churches,
but these will never take the place
of face to face family support.
For us, being near family means that
our kids have more options than just
David and I for answers to questions,
for examples of how to live life in the best way possible,
for someone to talk to when Mom and Dad just grounded them
and for someone to bounce ideas off of and get advice from.
We are thrilled to be able to add this aspect to our lives
for the first time ever!
I don't think one can fully understand
the importance of being geographically close to family
unless they have lived without it.
I suppose some people avoid family by choice.
I've met people who would never want
to live in the same state as their family
or their in-laws,
but for us, this is a dream come true.
We've had a hole in our lives for the last 18 years
and we've longed for our kids to know and be known
by people who are related to them.
Bren has no idea what a cousin is,
but here in Maryland,
she has two!
She's also got two in Florida that will be able
to visit much more easily now that we are
on the east coast.

She's already relishing the idea
that all of these people love her
just because she exists!
She doesn't have to listen well,
dress well, do her homework well,
play soccer well, be funny,
cute or quiet.
They just love her because she is part of them.
She's finding her eyes in those she sees around her,
she's seeing the same noses, hands,
ears and hair color
and she is connecting the dots
that we all belong.
For my teens,
they are so excited to meet
everyone they can.
They are hanging on every story told to them
of the life experiences of our different family members.
They have also missed knowing where they come from
on a personal level
and now being able to see one half of it
in living, breathing people,
helps them place themselves in this big, big world.

Nothing is as precious as generations coming together
and celebrating the fact that
they belong to one another.
We had an amazing Mother's Day,
one I'd dreamed about for years.
I hope that you and yours did too.
If you are close enough to hug your
extended family,
do so every chance you get.
If you aren't....
have faith!
Your reunion will happen in God's perfect timing
(we waited 18 years!!)
if it is a desire of your heart.

Our household goods were delivered
the very next morning.
We got right to work and experienced yet another
perk to living near family....
another set of hands to help unpack boxes!
Interior photos coming soon!

1 comment:

Tammy K said...

So glad you are home Becca!