So Madison is 13.

Man, I remember alot about being 13!!!
There is so much I don't remember about growing up.
I have a horrible memory.
I remember flashes and jumbled up little snipetts of events.
My earliest clear memory where I can recall in exact sequence
how things happened and the details like conversations, or supporting characters
isn't until I was around 12 or 13.

It's a frustration for me
and I rely alot on what other people say happened.
Finding old friends on facebook
Finding old friends on facebook
has jogged my memory a little,
but I still struggle to
put lots of pieces together from years ago.
My cousin Carrie has the best memory ever.
She remembers what people were wearing, what they said,
how she and others felt, and little details about
certain events that just bring them back to life.
I love learning about my young self from her.
But I do remember alot about being 13,
and it's totally different than today's 13 year old girl.

Madison has always been an old soul.
She was born serious and has been keeping us all on the straight and narrow
ever since.
She's responsible and direct.
Totally capable of making hard decisions and sticking with them.
I admire her determination and conviction.

But she's still 13.
This year is full of so many changes.
I can see her becoming a woman before my eyes.
She's getting to know who she is and
She's getting to know who she is and
is learning how to best present herself.
Lately I've seen her paying much closer attention
to how she does her makeup
and what kind of clothing she wears.
She's on the conservative side,
which I am so proud of, but
she also has very striking eyes and
she's quite curvy (like her mom),
so playing those attributes up
in a tasteful way requires some style.

In the spirit of trying to start her off right
in the art of self presentation,
and to give myself a refresher,
she and I went to the local Clinique sales rep
and had our colors done.
We had so much fun getting to play with the products.
Of course the sales lady said all the right things
like, "My, you two could be sisters!",
so I left there feeling quite youthful!
Madison was raving about my eyelashes and
I was raving about her glowing skin.
We had a great time together and came home with a bag
full of magic.
So now, we start our mornings off with
a cleanser, a clarifying lotion and a moisturizing lotion
followed by various concealers and shimmering pinks and browns.

Seeing her come into my bathroom with her hair in a ponytail
and asking me if I like what she's done with her eyes,
makes me sad and happy at the same time.
I'm so blessed to have a daughter like Maddie
to share these fun girly things with
and I'm overjoyed that she's already a woman of character,
but at the same time,
I know how fleeting these next five years are.
I know how fleeting these next five years are.
I can hardly find the curly-haired little girl behind her
perfectly shadowed blue eyes anymore
and that makes me want to stop the clock!
But, I know that my saddness is selfish.
This is her time.
The teen years are full of excitement and adventure.
New discoveries and little tastes of freedom
are around every corner.
She's learning now who she wants to be in the future
and how to get there.
So, while there was a lump in my throat behind my
broad, doting smile,
I studied Madison's eyes
and told her what a beautiful job she'd done on them
that morning.
Maybelline has nothing on this girl,
she was born with it!
This entry scares me as next year my cousin S will turn 13 and seeing him just the other day at a whopping 12 had me scared. He is a great boy, well mannered, thoughtful, active, and so much more, but still 13, gosh if i am this nervous for him turning 13...motherhood should be fun!.
As always love your entries, its these well written posts that will never make you forget any moment in life and look back at where you were and where you stand now.
I will be gleaning your wisdom in the near future with Emily right on Madison's heals...She is growing up right before our eyes and is sad and exciting all in one. The text I sent Dave this morning about Emily..ahem..starting almost grought him to goes by WAY too fast
She is absolutely beautiful! I remember her when she was just a baby. It is definitely bitter-sweet to watch them grow up. I know my only one is Bren's age, but it is definitely an incredible miracle that parents get to watch before their eyes!! =) ~Valerie
You have a VERY beautiful daughter....times 2!!! And handsome boys!!!
I'm coming to WA this spring or summer to see a friend who just moved to Yelm. I would love to meet with you for a photo shoot!!!!!
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