Thursday, May 28, 2009
Mini-sessions are here!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Heart Faces Photography Blog
and take a look at some more
stunning silhouettes or enter your own!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Letter to My 13 Year Old Self......

into our kids, don't we?
Wouldn't it be great if they could listen and learn from our experience?
Sometimes they do, but their best lessons are learned on their own.
From their own failures and triumphs,
from their own broken hearts and happiest days,
from their own choices both good and bad
comes the wisdom that shapes their own lives.

Oh, and Becky,
I almost forgot to tell you,
that decision you made on Monday, September 2, 1991
while sitting in your grandmother's living room
was the absolute right decision!
I knew I could trust you with the big stuff!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I am "That Mom"
Monday, May 18, 2009
Blurb Book Photo Contest

It's Monday and that means it's time to enter
the weekly I Heart Faces photo contest.
This is my absolute favorite photo of Bren.
This week's contest is for photos that will be included in
the Blurb Book for I Heart Faces.
We were asked to pick a favorite face.
Wish me luck and then go enter your own
by clicking on the logo above!
There is a category for both ameteurs
and professional photographers.
"I am submitting this photo into the http://www.iheartfaces.com/ Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites."
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Family Time......
So my day full of Kodak moments
didn't go quite as smoothly as my pipe dream plans,
but my children are ever dedicated to
keeping it real,
and I can't blame them for that!Perhaps I wouldn't know what to do
if I didn't have to beg and plead for four simultaneous smiles!
So, my children could have actually saved me from
utter euphoria resulting in sudden confusion
and then an onslaught of uncontrolled panic
over where my "real" children were
and who had replaced them with these
dream stepford like models!
So, thanks kids!
That could have been really bad!We spent much longer at Deception Pass
and Rosario Beach during this trip
than the first one I had taken by myself
with the kids.
We wanted to show David all we had previously seen
and then explore even more with him.It seems that everywhere we have lived
there is a scene like this.
Except for Georgia.
There is nothing like this anywhere in South Georgia,
but in the middle of a grey, rainy Pacific Northwest winter,
don't think for a minute that we wouldn't all trade this view for
sipping sweet tea and eating BBQ under the Spanish moss of the tall oak trees,
in the mild December temperatures.
This view here though, it is gorgeous!
Rhode Island had it's cliff walk
with similar rocks and cliffs meeting the Ocean.
California had it's tide pools teaming with life.
We love exploring places like this. The Pacific Northwest is certainly beautiful!
I mean, Come on!
Just look at the green field dotted with little white flowers
and the backdrop of rocky cliffs
falling into the placid water below!
No matter how much you dislike rain,
you cannot deny the glorious payoff
when the skies clear and you can see
all of the treasures that have been hidden for so long!

to rest and take in the view.

and we continued to be amazed at the beauty that lay before us!

This is something that I had not yet seen close up until then.

of me and David sitting together on those rocks
while all four kids are chasing each other down the beach
or wrestling each other in a pile of arms and legs.
That would be a true portrait of our crazy life!
If we could get one or two of them crying while we are at it,
that would round the picture out nicely!

My little Madison is growing up so fast!
She'll be 13 the end of this month!
While she's always been an old soul and
more mature and serious for her age,
I just can't believe she's officially entering the teen years so quickly!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
American Idol Top Three

Randy and Kara chose "Apologize" for Kris tonight.
I really loved it!
Even though it stuck closely to the original,
I think he sounded really great.
It would have been nice to have heard him put his own spin on this,
but I still think he did a great job with it.
For his second song
Kris chose "Heartless".
Oh my goodness!!!
This was really awesome!!
A brilliant move for tonight!
No doubt Kris is playing to win!
I thought it was raw and bold and definitely better than the original.
After that performance and after the transformation he's made
throughout this show,
I think it's easy to say that Kris is a star.
He's going to do very well after Idol,
but wouldn't it be absolutely amazing if he made it to the final 2?!

Simon chose "One" for Adam tonight.
It was a very emotional performance from Adam
and he really worked those beautiful lyrics,
but I wasn't blown away.
It was just a'ight for me tonight.
Adam chose "Cryin'" for himself.
In true Adam form, he took this song to the highest registers,
but my ears are still ringing from it!
I think he got a bit screechy toward the middle.
It is undeniable that this boy can sing and
that his range is in another atmosphere.
He's a master at stage presence and delivering an incredible
performance, but I'm not too sure about
I'm not convinced that I could tolerate a whole CD of the type of full on,
in your face, heavy guitar, other gallaxy,
melt your face off music that
Adam would surely put out.
I could handle a ballad or two from him,
but even that is like watching a lion in a cage.
He's definitely insanely talented
and he deserves to win based on that,
but do I want him to?
Not so sure.
Going home tonight:
The safe choice is Kris,
but you know,
part of me is rooting
(louder and louder as the day goes on)
for the underdog to get his day.
I'd love to see a Danny/Kris
match up next week for the finale!
Something about the tortoise beating the hare
or the 1980 US hockey team defeating Russia
or David taking down Goliath,
just lifts the spirit.
Seeing the unexpected happen
seems to solidify our own impossible dreams.
So, I'm voting for the upset tonight!
How about you??
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I heart faces {Laughter}
This week's themed contest on the I heart faces blog is "Laughter".
Laughter is definitely something that we have plenty of
around here!
Whether bouncing off the walls of our home
or captured through my lens
laughter is one of my favorite emotions
and the life blood of a Navy wife and mom of teenagers.
As the brilliant, salty songwriter Jimmy Buffet says,
"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane!"
In honor of belly laughs everywhere,
here is my entry in the children's division.
My 12 year old daughter Madison,
caught breaking her normal arms crossed, eye rolling stance
and reveling in the joy of hilarity!

If you would like to enter your photo in one of I Heart Faces
fabulous weekly contests,
just click on the logo above to go to their website.
You don't have to be a pro to enter!
Whoo-hooo! I won forth place in the "Adult Hat" contest last week
with the photo of my handsome husband!!
Good luck everyone!!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The List.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
American Idol top Four
Monday, May 4, 2009
I heard about this website though Twitter last month
and have been dying to enter one of their contests.
When I saw this weeks theme, I just had to find something
to put up.
Problem is, Bren has modeled some adorable hats in the last few seasons
and I had a really hard time picking just one!
It came down to a flip of a coin,
and this one won out!
So here is my entry for the kid's contest:
This is from a shoot I did with David right after he made Chief
and before his commissioning to Officer.
It was the first and only shoot I've ever done with just David.
I think I need to get him back in front of the camera soon!
If you want to enter your photo in this weeks contest,
just click on the above logo for the
i heart faces website!
Good luck!!!