Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Roses and Chicken Nuggets

With so many broken homes and absent fathers
a large percentage of our little girls are growing up with
scarred hearts.
For these girls,
the precious and fleeting years that should have
been filled with her daddy's
steadfast adoration and heroic protection
are instead filled with the agendas
of selfish adults
or with the confusion that
comes from having such a deep need and no real direction
as to how to fill it.
Our girls are struggling
to realize who they are.

no matter what her age,
is the desire to be
loved, needed, appreciated, wanted
and cherished.
This need was put within us by our heavenly Father
whose everlasting love can meet
those needs beyond our comprehension.
How we as little girls perceive our
earthy daddies
will mold the way we think of our heavenly Father.
Dads, this makes you just about
the single most influencial player in
our lives!!

rocking it out as
excellent Fathers,
Thank You!!!
You have no idea the impact you are making
not only on your daughter's life today,
but on all of the lives she will touch as she grows
and also the lives of your grandchildren as well.
Every gentle word,
every prayer you utter on her behalf,
everytime you decide to spend time with her
instead of on something trivial and temporary,
everytime you take a moment to encourage her
you are building a better future for
her and the woman she will become.
You cannot begin to imagine how your efforts today
will pay dividends in the future!
As a mom of two teenage boys,
I pray that the girls they chose to date
have strong, loving Fathers in their lives
to teach them what precious young ladies
they are and to build into them
the ability to confidently know who they are
and what they are worth.

this kind of Father or none at all,
there is hope!
The same God who created you
is the one who put that need for love inside of you.
He longs to be that Father for you!
Psalm 68:5 says that He is the Father to the Fatherless
and a hero for all times!
Isn't that what we all want girls?
A hero for all times!
God calls us his children
dearly loved,
united with the Lord
and one with him in spirit,
bought with a price,
set apart,
adopted as His child,
redeemed and forgiven,
His workmanship,
free from condemnation
and unable to be separated from His love!
Just ask Him and He will be there
never leaving or forsaking you!
He will fill that nagging need inside of you
that the enemy would wish you to fill
with temporary and distructive things.

don't let another day go by without
letting them know how
thankful you are for their
positive influence in your lives!
An excellent father is a rare and beautiful thing!
Those doing it well
need to be honored.
For all of you Dads who haven't been so awesome lately,
it's not too late.
Plan a date night,
write a note,
give a hug
hold a conversation
say something positive and affirming
to your little lady
(or not so little one)
I bet you will see the spark of forgiveness
and delight begin to shine in her eyes!
Don't give up...
after all, you are
our hero
and heros fight for the love of their ladies!
(Thanks Chick-Fil-A for creating an enviornment
of affirmation for daughters and daddies everywhere
with your daddy daughter date nights!)
Monday, May 30, 2011
A hero on the pool deck....
I met Brian and Rachael a few weeks ago
on a Caribbean cruise I took with my mom.
Before I even noticed Brian's leg,
I was struck by the obvious adoration between this couple.

Rachael just glowed in Brian’s presence
and seemed to have a protective nature about her.
Brian definitely looked like a man in love,
but there was also a certain sadness and hesitation about him.
They were both settled into sun chairs on the pool deck
when I first saw them.
A few minutes later when he moved his beach towel
I saw Brian’s leg.
It was a curious contraption of metal and sockets
with a brown sandal fixed to a plastic bare foot.
Mom and I happened to be sitting pool side
a few chairs from Brian’s when the cruise director announced
a "Mr. Sexy Legs" competition.
I had no sooner turned to my mom to tell her that I hoped Brian would enter
when I saw Rachael encouraging him to put his name on the list.
He kept shaking it off,
but mom and I supported Rachel with a “thumbs up”
and vigorous motioning for him to get up.
Reluctantly, Brian put his name on the list and got in line.

Almost everyone on the pool deck stood and cheered for him
and people were lined up against the upper deck railing
most of them with their hands in the air clapping for Brian!
At that moment
Brian was our friend,
our son,
our brother,
our husband.
He was every soldier who didn’t come home
and every soldier who was still there fighting.

We all wiped away tears
as he made his way over to where Rachael was sitting
and gave her a big kiss before getting back in line
to await the judge’s decision.
I spoke with Rachael as we were waiting
and she told me that Brian had lost his leg only seven months ago
and that he was still insecure about learning how to move around
in his prosthetic leg
which he got for Christmas.
This cruise was her way of celebrating how far he'd come
and to lift his spirits.

His heroism inspired in us
a new appreciation for the price of freedom.
We shed tears as this American hero
took several steps toward healing himself,
but what we didn’t count on
was that with each step he took,
something in all of our hearts began to heal as well.

Many of us were brought face to face
with the silliness of our own insecurities
as we watched this soldier face his in a big way.
After what we saw on that day
how could any of us ever again say
that we can’t do something out of fear
or because of the risk of embarrassment?
Courage inspires courage.

Like so many intangibles
the bond between people who have gone through similar tragedies
is as evident when they talk to each other
as it would be if they were tied together by a big unbreakable rope.
When you witness people with this kind of bond,
it is undeniable.
It is also essential to our emotional well- being
to relate to other people on the deep level of shared experiences.
Hearing “I’ve been there son”
from war veterans must have soothed a part of Brian
like nothing else could.

In the middle of the Caribbean Sea
amidst steel drum bands
and umbrella drinks,
I watched a broken man be put back together
one "thank you" at a time
and I watched a hero
make better Americans of us all.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
both sides of the coin....

there. Even the ones with fabulous views

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
2 mommas and a cruise ship!

the most athletic legs winner
and had one of four votes to decide the overall winner.

for Memorial Day,
so I won't spoil it by adding
any photos of him yet.

competing is a whole other ball game!
Before she knew it, mom was in a line up
for the "Best Biceps" women's competition!
Because she has been a judge, she and her fellow judges
were automatically entered into this contest.

the last thing she thought she would be doing
was dancing down the pool deck
in front of a cheering audience and four judges!

and did it anyway.
I am so proud of her!
(and I'm super happy
that I have the photos to prove this!)
Telling the stories of our cruise is far too involved for one post, so
I will break it up by island/day
and will post the photos and details all this week and next week.
Until then,
blue skies and umbrella drinks for everyone
and a little steel drum music too!
Monday, March 21, 2011
the avocado tree

But this little plant will never produce fruit.
Even if we put it in soil and take care of it properly.
If it does produce fruit, it will take 7 to 15 years
and it will not be the same kind of fruit produced
by it's parent plant
and that fruit will not be edible.
Strange that something that appears to be so vibrant
and so healthy and something that we have watched grow
from a seed
will never do what it was created to do.
But there is hope.

This plant can be grafted into a high producing
well established tree.
No matter how much sunlight or water we get,