Bren found two perfect pumpkins sized right for painting.
Today I'm going to get the paint and then we'll
paint those little guys tomorrow. We had apple cider and kettle corn.
The smell of spice was in the air.
It was the perfect day for the pumpkin patch!! We drive by this place on our way home from
Seattle or Everett or anytime we are coming from South of here.
I think it's so beautiful!
When we first moved here, we traveled down this road
that winds through cow pastures and old farms.
We were in separate cars so David could not gage my reaction.
He and Zach were seeing
broken down rusty cars in yards,
tires and old bikes strewn around garages
seemingly on the verge of collapse,
smelly, muddy pig pens with makeshift fences,
and dilapidated old farmhouses.
They were guessing that I was already in tears over having to live here!
Madison and I were seeing
barns with peeling paint that would make
awesome photo backdrops,
sweet little farms with sheep in the pasture,
open fields flanked by treed hills,
and lots and lots of green!
Isn't it funny how perspectives can be so different?!

Bren wasn't sure she wanted to board it,
but ended up having a great time!

We are thinking of going back with the older kids and letting them
do the maze.
There were all kinds of "clues" to find along the maze
that were losely based on government since this is an election year.

since we'd already gotten our large pumpkins last week.
We stayed long enough to oooh and ahhh
over some of the more unique ones
and then headed back to the tractor to ride back to the barn.

Some of the more exotic farm animals........

HOLY! This place is flippin GORGEOUS!. The pic under the one with the pumpkin patch sign I think is my fav, I mean seriously check out that view thats awesome! The one where David and Bren are walking there where the tractor can be saw seriously another amazing shot and how lovely is that sky!
Great pics, looked like it was a blast!.
that pumpkin patch photo looks like it belongs in a painting! gorgeous!
have fun gutting pumpkins!
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